Prince Harry Moves Down the Line of Succession with Royal Baby

12/04/2012 at 08:00 AM EST

Saved by the baby!

With news the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their first child, uncle-to-be Prince Harry must be thrilled – for a number of reasons.

Once the child is born, Harry – who is in Afghanistan serving with the British army – gets bumped down the line of succession to the throne.

Following the currently reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth, the next in line is Prince Charles, followed by Prince William and then Harry. But with the birth of a baby – regardless of its sex – succession will go from Prince William to his heir and then to Harry.

Harry – whose antics have landed him in hot water with the public and the Palace before – may welcome the chance to step away from the spotlight.

Perhaps the 28-year-old – who has been romantically linked to pop singers and models – will focus on finding love. He told Katie Couric last May that he "longed for kids since he was very, very young" and was "waiting to find the right person, someone who's willing to take on the job."

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